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Meet the founders of EveryLife, a new pro-life diaper company

EveryLife diaper company EveryLife diaper company
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When a small group of parents watched a myriad of baby-product companies rise up in support of abortion, they became disheartened. Then, they started their own company.

“While so many companies are promoting what is wrong, we choose to celebrate what is right: life,” two of the co-founders of EveryLife, a new pro-life diaper company, told Our Sunday Visitor in an email.

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The co-founders, Caroline Carralero, who also serves as CEO, and Sarah Gabel Seifert added: “Every child, boy and girl, black, white, tan, gifted, and special. Every life is a miracle from God and that’s the heart behind our baby brand.”

The company, launched earlier this year by PublicSq., an online marketplace that connects consumers with “values-aligned” businesses, promises “to provide premium products for every baby” while partnering with national pro-life groups.

On its website, EveryLife lists its values: celebrate life, stand with integrity, champion parenthood, and remain rooted in faith. (The leadership team, the co-founders shared, is composed of both Catholics and Christians.)

Today, EveryLife calls itself the nation’s only pro-life diaper company.

A pro-life alternative

Three co-founders began EveryLife after witnessing other companies in the same industry support organizations that promote abortion.

“EveryLife’s stance on protecting life — and preserving innocence — extends far beyond the high-performing materials we use,” Carralero and Gabel Seifert said. “It drives us to unapologetically, and only, support causes that champion parenthood and protect innocent life.”

They called the support for abortion from major baby brands extensive.

EveryLife diaper company
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“Huggies manufacturer Kimberly Clark announced two decades ago that it will match employee contributions to Planned Parenthood,” they gave as an example. “Meanwhile, Pampers manufacturer Proctor and Gamble pays for employees’ travel for abortions. Honest Co. publicly lamented the overturning of Roe v. Wade, Hello Bello pays for abortion costs for their employees, and Coterie said their team ‘feels lost’ without abortion.”

Inspired by women who choose life

EveryLife was created by parents for parents.

“We are a small group of parents who are passionate about our faith, our families, and were deeply impacted by the stories of expecting parents who boldly chose to protect the lives of their babies,” EveryLife’s website reads. “We have been so impacted and fulfilled through these testimonies — some of which are our very own — that we wanted to inspire a new generation of parents to choose and celebrate life, too.”

Gabel Seifert, who previously worked with women facing unplanned pregnancies at her local pregnancy center in San Clemente, California, shared a testimony that impacted her.

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“One particular instance remains close to my heart: I had the honor of assisting a woman who had endured abuse, drug addiction and loss,” she remembered. “Initially, she felt abortion was her only option, but through the unwavering support of our team, a free ultrasound and essential resources throughout her pregnancy, she experienced a transformative change.”

“Witnessing her choose life,” she added, “filled me with immense joy and reinforced my dedication to making a positive impact.”

Today, Gabel Seifert said, she continues to support women and families in need at EveryLife, which provides a “Buy for a Cause” program — where customers can purchase diapers and wipes for others as donations — and partners with pregnancy centers, churches and pro-life charities.

Pro-life partners

EveryLife financially supports the national pro-life group Live Action and partners with other pro-life groups, including Save the Storks and Students for Life of America, according to its website.

The company also offers a 25% discount to pro-life groups and nonprofits buying diapers or diaper and wipe bundles for those they serve.

We are dedicated to expanding our partnerships with Pregnancy Centers, churches and other pro-life charities that are in need of our products,” Carralero and Gabel Seifert added.

EveryLife diaper company
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They also work in partnership with disaster relief efforts. For the month of August, each “Buy for a Cause” purchase goes to families in need of basic necessities following the recent wildfires in Hawaii.

The co-founders expressed gratitude for their work.

“We are thankful we get to provide families with the opportunity to shop in alignment with their values,” they concluded. “By choosing EveryLife, they can support a brand that stands for life and celebrates the uniqueness of every precious life.”