The blurred line of personhood

Kittens and infants are cute, playful and highly dependent on their mothers. Recently both received the attention of Congress. On March 7, Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Oregon) introduced the Kittens in Traumatic Testing Ends Now (KITTEN) Act to prevent the USDA from euthanizing

Drawn to Christ’s heart

The Knights of Columbus have been in the news lately. I can’t even begin to tell you what this organization has done in my life, but I’ll begin to try. It’s the world’s largest Catholic fraternal organization, and while I’m obviously not

Students found network for women in STEM

According to Sally Hicks, interim dean of the University of Dallas’ Constantin College and a professor of physics, the number of female students involved in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) decreases as they advance in school. In elementary

Church and foster care: Needed, yet under fire

Rising rates of opioid addiction have put an end to a decade of progress in foster care. But even with tens of thousands of children needing new homes, some Catholic organizations may be forced to close their doors over their decision to

#MeToo conference rethinks sexual revolution

“I definitely felt challenged, and for that reason I’m glad I came,” Allison, a junior studying philosophy and math at Washington College, told Our Sunday Visitor. “I definitely have a lot to think about.” She made these remarks soon after hearing evidence

Drug Addiction and the Impoverished Soul

The newspapers said the child had been killed by a parent but gave no details. The full story was that the child had been decapitated and disemboweled. The scene was so horrific that the investigator, a seasoned law enforcement professional, had difficulty

Catholic persecution in the Spanish Civil War

The trouble had been brewing a long time, and in mid-July, it finally boiled over. Units of the army in Spanish Morocco rose up in rebellion. The Spanish Civil War had begun. Seventy-five years later, the bloody struggle that followed from 1936

Spiritualities of the Catholic Church

“I’m not religious, but I am spiritual.” How often have you heard someone say something similar? Or perhaps even said it yourself. In our secular culture, being “religious” is often seen as being narrow-minded, judgmental and a bit of a nutcase. It

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