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St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Elizabeth Ann Seton Elizabeth Ann Seton
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton is shown in a window at a chapel in Emmitsburg, Md. Seton became the first American-born saint when she was canonized in 1975. She spent her life helping the poor and sick and dedicated her years as a religious sister to education. Her feast is Jan. 4. (CNS photo by Nancy Wiechec) (Dec. 11, 2000)

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Feast day: January 4

Born in New York, Elizabeth was raised Episcopalian. She married William Magee Seton and the couple had five children. William died of tuberculosis in 1803. During this time, Elizabeth was drawn to the Catholic faith and entered the Church in 1805. At the invitation of Bishop John Carroll, Elizabeth went to Baltimore and opened a school next to the chapel of St. Mary’s Seminary. She was joined by other women and the Sisters of Charity was formed. The remainder of her life was spent leading and developing the new congregation. Elizabeth was canonized in 1975 by Pope St. Paul VI as the first American-born saint. She is the patron of Catholic schools, seafarers and widows.


O God, who crowned with the gift of true faith
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton’s burning zeal to find you,
grant by her intercession and example
that we may always seek you with diligent love
and find you in daily service with sincere faith.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.