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St. Francis of Assisi

Francis of Assisi Francis of Assisi
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St. Francis of Assisi

Feast day: October 4

Born in Assisi, Italy, to a wealthy family, Francis spent his early years as a pleasure-seeking leader of Assisi youth. He experienced a conversion after going to war for his city and being imprisoned. Renouncing his family and riches, Francis took to prayer and working among the poor. While praying at the Church of San Damiano, Francis heard a command from the crucifix, telling him, “Repair my house, which is virtually ruined.” Francis began preaching in the area, others joined him, and the Franciscan Order was formed. He also helped found the Poor Clares and Franciscan Third Order. In 1224, Francis received the stigmata and died two years later. He was canonized in 1228. He is patron of animals, merchants, and ecology.


O God, by whose gift Saint Francis
was conformed to Christ in poverty and humility,
grant that, by walking in Francis’ footsteps,
we may follow your Son,
and, through joyful charity,
come to be united with you.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.