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St. Joseph: A guide for the spiritual life

At today’s Mass we read, “The Lord comes, he comes to rule the earth. He shall rule the world with justice and the peoples with his constancy” (Ps 96:13).

The journey of the Holy Family back to Nazareth, following their flight into Egypt, is a testament to St. Joseph’s role as the protector of Christ and Mary. In this episode, we witness not only Joseph’s obedience but also his steadfast courage and prudence in the face of danger. And in this event we can find three key moments that reveal to us how St. Joseph can serve as a guide in the spiritual life.

St. Thomas Aquinas illuminates the theological depth of this episode by dividing it into three movements: the angel’s appearance, the command, and Joseph’s faithful execution of that command. Each moment reveals God’s providence and Joseph’s singular vocation as guardian of the Redeemer.

After Herod’s death, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, instructing him to return to the land of Israel. St. Thomas notes that God, in His wisdom, often conveys His will through angels, and Joseph, as a man of prayer and righteousness, was attuned to these heavenly messages.

Joseph’s vigilance challenges us to remain spiritually alert. How often do we listen for God’s voice amid the noise of our lives? Joseph’s readiness to act reminds us that spiritual vigilance is a prerequisite for protecting the faith entrusted to us, whether in our families, communities, or hearts.

‘Arise, and take the child and his mother’

The angel’s command was clear yet challenging: “Arise, and take the child and his mother, and go to the land of Israel.” St. Thomas highlights the angel’s careful language, referring to Jesus as “the child,” emphasizing His divine dignity, and to Mary simply as “His mother,” preserving her integrity and Joseph’s role as her guardian.

Joseph did not question or delay; he trusted in God’s plan, even when it required navigating uncertainty and danger. This trust is a hallmark of Joseph’s sanctity. His faith was not passive but active–a willingness to move and act in obedience, even when the path was unclear. Do we have the courage to trust God when He calls us to step out in faith, especially when it involves risk or sacrifice?

Upon hearing that Archelaus reigned in Judea, Joseph prudently avoided the region and, being further directed by the angel, settled in Galilee, in the town of Nazareth. This decision fulfilled the prophecy that Christ would be called a Nazarene.

Let us pray,

Almighty ever-living God, who in the Nativity of your Son established the beginning and fulfillment of all religion, grant, we pray, that we may be numbered among those who belong to him, in whom is the fullness of human salvation. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.