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The 2024 presidential election’s troubling reality: A lack of pro-life leadership

Election 2024 Election 2024

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, Catholic voters are faced with a sobering reality: The major party tickets present the least pro-life options we have seen in decades. The Trump-Vance and Harris-Walz tickets offer a troubling lack of commitment to the protection of innocent human life, a fundamental principle that we, as Catholics, are called to uphold.

Trump-Vance: Backing away from pro-life advocacy

The Republican ticket of Donald Trump and J.D. Vance has been touted by some as a pro-life choice. However, a closer examination of their records reveals significant compromises. Former President Donald Trump, despite appointing Supreme Court justices who helped overturn Roe v. Wade, has a history of inconsistent statements and actions on abortion. His administration’s policies often prioritized political expediency over principled pro-life advocacy, leaving many questioning the depth of his commitment to the cause. At his behest, the Republican National Committee removed from the 2024 Republican platform the call for a national abortion ban after 20 weeks and a call for states to pass the Human Life Amendment, which declares life begins at conception. The changes removed fundamental language that had been in the Republic platform for 40 years.

Senator J.D. Vance, Trump’s running mate, further complicates the Republican ticket’s pro-life credentials. While Vance declares himself to be pro-life, his support for the Supreme Court’s decision to allow the distribution of the abortion pill mifepristone ignores the Church’s teaching that life must be protected from conception. The widespread availability of this chemical abortion method contributes to the staggering number of medication abortions, which accounted for 63% of all abortions in the U.S. in 2023. We pray that Senator Vance will embrace the fullness of the Catholic Church’s teaching on human life and work to end chemical abortion.

Harris-Walz: An unyielding pro-abortion agenda

On the Democratic side, the Harris-Walz ticket presents a deeply disconcerting stance on life issues. Vice President Kamala Harris has consistently supported unrestricted access to abortion throughout her political career. Her opposition to the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act and her unwavering support for Planned Parenthood reflect a pro-abortion agenda that radically contradicts the Catholic Church’s teachings on the sanctity of life.

Governor Tim Walz, Harris’s running mate, has also demonstrated a radical commitment to abortion rights. In 2023, he signed a law in Minnesota removing the requirement for medical personnel to provide lifesaving measures to infants born alive after attempted abortions, casting these vulnerable lives aside, in some cases leaving them to die. This legislative change is emblematic of a broader disregard for the inherent dignity of every human being, born and unborn.

A call for authentic pro-life leadership

The 2024 election cycle has presented Catholic voters with a challenge. Both major party tickets fail to protect the unborn and uphold the dignity of all human life. Will we choose between candidates who fail in basic ways to embody the Church’s teachings on life or will we back other candidates?

As Catholics, we are called to prioritize the sanctity of life in our political decisions. As the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has stated, “The threat of abortion remains our preeminent priority because it directly attacks our most vulnerable and voiceless brothers and sisters.” We must hold our leaders accountable and advocate for policies that reflect Catholic teaching, especially when faced with imperfect choices.

In this election, Catholic voters must engage in thoughtful discernment, considering not only the candidates’ positions on life issues but also their broader commitment to the common good. But in doing so, we must remain steadfast in our commitment to life, refusing to compromise on fundamental moral principles for political convenience.

Our votes are not merely political actions; they are expressions of our Catholic faith. In this critical moment, let us pray for an outpouring of wisdom and courage as we seek to build a society that respects and protects all human life, from conception to natural death.